Being Busy Versus Genuine Productivity

     Deadlines are important. For you. And for your clients. But not every activity has the same importance. In fact, if you lose yourself in the formalities and rush too much; the quality suffers. And it suffers a lot, by the way. Still, your health matters more.

     There is not much point if your brain and body function less efficiently.

     Sure, with the money you earned, you can buy the medicines and the surgeries. But isn't it absurd in some way? Sacrificing one's health to obtain more wealth. Then, spending it on the illnesses which resulted from the irresponsible daily routine.

     Isn't it a practical joke in itself?

     Blood pressure problems and the brain-disorders are growing year by year. Our fellow human-beings are carrying the trust issues. Foods that we consume and the air we breathe, could be more of a problem. And amidst all this madness, we are being excessively cruel to ourselves.

     Rules will always be confusing. And the repetitive nature of some tasks will drain away the joy. That may be the case. How do you want to approach the problem? It is your own choice although the outside factors are not in your control. The so called ideas of 'Mindsets' might help you.

     But let's discuss the practical aspects.

     Even if you consume the hyper-positive ultra-motivating content; is any problem actually solved? Do you get Measurable Results by following any Mindset? And if you are not getting the results, then what should you change about your Approach?

     Thus, you can benefit from the following ideas. These concepts stopped me from being a blind follower of the watches and the clocks. Some of them helped me zoom out from my daily life. You should try them. Not as a Meditation or some mysterious lucky draw. But, check if these few short but sweet tasks help you be less busy and more productive.

  1. Seal your Phone in a locker, cupboard or desk, for multiple hours. Try to forget about your Smartphone and Laptop completely. Simply, eliminate the object from your eye-sight.
  2. Question "Why is this necessary?" in the terms of the Goals and the Success Rate, at every step, every second and every key-press. Is the activity you want to finish so eagerly deserves your attention? Exactly what will you lose, if you skipped it or took a shortcut? Is a certain document or step just wasting your time, with no certainty of meaningful returns?
  3. Drink a lot of water regularly. You may not believe this, but drinking water is one of the best way of being more productive. The classic concepts is based on the fact, that our bodies are mainly composed of the fluids. Your brain will thank you.
  4. Use Pen and Paper to track your routines. No apps to be installed. Even if a task in done digitally; maintain the records of your minutes in the plain old style.
  5. Remember your favourite people once every 30 minutes. If nothing else, keep a photo near your desk or workstation. I don't know why, but sometimes it can really help to relax.
  6. Listen the music of desired mood. If you are on a serious assignment, listen to the calm music. If you are sleepy, turn on more energetic music. And try to 'sync' your workflow with its beats or rhythm.

     Wrapping up now. I can build an extensive list of other ideas or 'methods'. But you probably won't need it in daily life. This blog post features only above six tips for now. Because I would like to share what works for me the best. Of course, you might benefit from the time-tracking app or some specific method of taking the power-naps or small-breaks.

     But these six methods are more practical, with no sophisticated names, at least in my case.

     So, all the best with staying focused on being Productive, instead of being Busy.

Tip: PayPal

About: AK blogs at SummaryMaster51v blogs (Light Edition, and Dark Edition). "Hi, I am a Blog Writer, who does freelance writing as well." Twitter: @akp51v |