My Beloved Self-doubts

     Doubts are good. In a healthy amount, they are powerful. Of course, too much of it can affect your confidence levels. But within a safety range, your doubts can help you in more than one way. Let's look at it as a Mother Nature's Design. Or a self-defense mechanism against the manipulative bad actors.

     Frauds, scams and the tricky schemes will decrease, if we can harbor the Power of Doubts without going insane. Just like any other tool, it is a double-edged sword, often without a handle grip. Excessive doubts prevent us from moving forward. And being absolutely naïve, results in losses due to the subsequent stupidity.

     Humans are interesting because of their capacity for imagination.

     Sadly or realistically, there are no specific rules about how a human decides its use. Imagining and planning can be done to help. Or to hurt. Even if the internet in infatuated with the cute, the idealistic and the warm; life is bittersweet. The lemons await us all. You. Me. Everyone. Each one of us is destined to get some eggs, lemons or tomatoes in our limited lifespan.

     Thus, it is better to accept all different features of our being, than to fight with them all. Fake Positivity as well as Fake Smile can help some people. True it may be (or may be not)… Others cannot find worthy conviction by pretending to be harnessing it.

     Knowing your limits, weaknesses, deepest traumas and hypocrisies helps a lot. And the world doesn't need to learn about it all.

     But you do! You should learn to face your evils and your possible improvements, without making excuses or seeking solace in escapism, of the artificial imaginary realities. Believe me, the longer you 'comfort' yourself with the short-lived joys, the more work you ought to do later on.

     Thus, I love the Self-doubts. As long as you are conscious about your Self-doubts, you can develop new strategies and skills to handle your weaknesses better. Instead, if you deny that something is wrong, the illusion of 'Continuous Present' will haunt you.

     Hesitation is not always bad.

     If you know what Impulse Shopping is, you understand exactly why waiting and thinking twice are crucial. For living a healthy and balanced life. Indeed, absolute equilibrium is another unreal concept. But even if we accept how our personality traits stay strong, pausing for a moment and listening to your doubts, should help you make better decisions.

     In my own experience, overthinking can result in the foolish use of time. However, pausing and reflecting helped me adjust my paths on many occasions.

     I cannot tell you the full story; but the point is, Self-doubt keeps you grounded in reality. Here, this means having control over your confidence and your risk profile. Taking charge of a difficult task is not bad; but over-confidence can ruin even the simple tasks. Thanks to the Self-doubts, the people who learned their skills through efforts alone, can stay laser-focused on their project.

     Then, you know the Plan B requirements. From a self-motivation perspective, having only one plan and absolute commitment to it, might be awesome. Admirable and respectable.

     Yet, any person with a basic understanding of management, warfare or politics knows:

A contingency plan is crucial. Having a backup plan is one of the time-tested method of handling uncertainty. In the later half of the twentieth century, a discipline of Risk Management was formed. And it the twenty-first century, Risk Management is no longer limited to the Insurance Services.

     To plan for the worst possible outcomes, you need to have a friendly relationship with your doubts. You cannot recognise the failure possibilities, if you are preoccupied with a forced smile. The world needs the Negative Thinkers to detect the risks, in any and every system.

     Let me go as far as saying this, "Doubts of any kind, are the Essential Data for devising a Plan B."

     See, these emotions that we have are the heritage of our human ancestors. Social life is nightmare, with all types of The People. But without the power of Doubts, you cannot identify them. All of the confusing rules exist to stop misdirection. And these rules as well as the human behaviour are technically immortal.

     Just think about it. No matter the country, the historic era or the personal life experiences; every human, alive or dead, cautions against trusting everyone blindly.

     Some used poems otherwise moral stories. Others used cave-drawing or the books. And certain humans use the blogs. Still, the messages stays the same:

"Your Doubts are as powerful as your anger, love and self-beliefs. And there are some good ways you can use them, to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm. Just be careful to use Doubts as your tool, and don't be consumed by your Doubts."

     All the best with your life. And use your doubts to live wisely.

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About: AK blogs at SummaryMaster51v blogs (Light Edition, and Dark Edition). "Hi, I am a Blog Writer, who does freelance writing as well." Twitter: @akp51v |