Benefits of Waking Up Early | SML Akp51v

If you're like most people, you probably want to get more done each day. You want to be better at what you do and have more free time for your family and friends. But how can you accomplish this? The answer to that question may surprise you: by waking up early. Waking up early isn't just good for productivity; it is also good for your health—physically and mentally. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of waking up earlier than normal so that we can all start having a healthier lifestyle!

You'll be more productive.

Waking up earlier has its benefits! Here are some of the reasons why you should consider making this change.

  • You will have more time to do the things you love. If there's something important to you, but which didn't get the attention it deserves because of your work schedule, waking up early could be just what you need. For example: if writing is your passion and working as a programmer doesn't leave much room for writing in between tasks, waking up early would give you several free hours of the day when nobody else is awake to disturb or distract from your craft.

  • You will have more time to exercise. The same applies here: if an hour-long walk around a park or a jog on the beach would make all the difference in terms of improving both physical and mental health, waking up early might finally allow doing so without rushing through breakfast first thing in the morning!

It's better for your health.

There are many health benefits to waking up early, including:

  • Lower rates of heart disease. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people who woke up at 6:30 a.m. had lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker for inflammation and an indicator of heart disease risk.

  • Lower likelihood of depression. Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who were awake at 6:00 a.m. were less likely to develop depression than those who woke up later in the day or got less than six hours of sleep per night overall. It's believed this is because cortisol levels spike during sleep deprivation, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and irritability; by getting enough rest each night (and waking up early), you'll keep your body functioning optimally without experiencing any harmful side effects like these!

  • Lower stress levels overall too—not just when compared against other people but also when compared against themselves as they age! One study conducted over 11 years showed that subjects who slept longer hours tended not only to have higher blood pressure numbers than those who slept less but also experienced greater increases over time even though their weight remained constant throughout those years.

You'll have more time to do the things you love.

When you wake up early and have a long day ahead of you, your brain will be more focused. You'll be able to accomplish so much more in the same amount of time than when you were exhausted.

You'll also have more time to do all the things that are important to you. You will now have an extra hour or two each day that can be spent on your family, friends, and pets.

Don't feel guilty about putting yourself on the back burner when it comes to self-care... it's an important part of being happy!

You can avoid the morning rush.

If you're not a morning person, the thought of waking up early might make you shudder. But if you do it, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of being on time or even early for work. You can get there faster by avoiding traffic jams and finding parking spots that are easier to reach in good time. Plus, if your job requires a lot of commuting, this will also save money on gas and other expenses associated with driving long distances.

You'll always have time for a healthy breakfast.

When you wake up early, you'll always have time for a healthy breakfast. In fact, the most important meal of the day is usually the first one. Research has shown that eating breakfast can help regulate your blood sugar levels and improve your mood by giving you the energy to face the day with confidence and focus.

If you're having trouble figuring out what to eat or when to eat it, we've got some tips:

  • Start small. Instead of trying to overhaul your entire diet overnight, start by making small changes—like switching from white bread to whole wheat or adding extra fruit or veggie at each meal—and gradually build from there.

  • Stock up on staples like eggs and milk so they're always available when hunger strikes mid-morning (or mid-afternoon).

  • Don't skip meals! That's a surefire way to overeat later in the day when everyone else is snacking on chips in between classes or meetings...

There will be a lot less traffic on the road.

Another benefit of waking up early is that you will likely have a smooth commute to work. Studies have shown that traffic volume is significantly lower in the morning than it is in the evening, especially during rush hour.

Traffic can also be worse on weekends and holidays because people are out traveling for leisure and family activities rather than heading off to work.

Additionally, traffic tends to be much lighter on weekdays after 9 AM than it does between 6 AM and 9 AM. This means that if you're trying to avoid sitting in an unmoving car for hours on end (and let's face it: who isn't?), waking up earlier could help prevent these unfortunate situations from occurring!

You will have some good "me" time and introspection to start your day.

You can use this time to meditate, read, journal, or listen to music. You might even find yourself wanting to do yoga in the morning as well. If you like to work out in the morning then go for it! It's great exercise and will help get your body ready for the day.

If preparing breakfast isn't your thing then start by making lunch for the next day so that when it comes time for lunch you don't have to worry about what you are going to make or if there is anything left over in the fridge that can be used up before it expires (or worse). You can also prepare other things like snacks or grab-and-go items that will come in handy during the day when hunger strikes.

If cooking isn't really an option either, then go on a walk around your neighborhood or run a few miles at an outdoor track nearby—that way you'll get some fresh air while burning off those extra calories from snacking on junk food during commercials of Game of Thrones last night during binge-watching sessions."

You'll have an opportunity to exercise in the morning, which is often considered one of the best times to work out.

The early hour provides you with optimal mental clarity and helps you avoid late-morning fatigue that can affect your ability to work out. Plus, a morning sweat session will give you more energy for the rest of your day.

Exercise is a great way to start your day because it boosts mood and reduces stress levels, which are important markers of overall health (and happiness). Exercise also improves metabolism—a metabolic boost will keep you feeling full longer and help prevent overeating later in the day!

If working out the first thing doesn't appeal to you, try running errands on foot instead of driving or taking public transit: walking is an effective way to burn calories without feeling exhausted afterward!

Your mind will be more focused, making you more productive during the day.

When you wake up early, you will have the time to meditate and think about your goals for the day. You can plan out your day, and be more productive because of it.

Another important benefit of waking up early is that you're able to spend more time with your loved ones.

This can be done through phone calls, letters, or even in-person visits. For example, if your friend lives far away and works during the night hours, you may have trouble meeting up in person because they’re out of town at those times.

However, if you wake up earlier than them and go to bed earlier than them too (which I recommend), then this problem can be easily solved by spending quality time together over Skype or Facetime video chat.

In my opinion though—and I know it sounds cheesy—the best way to stay in touch with loved ones is through writing letters. It's much harder for technology to replace the handwritten word...

Waking up early can help improve both your mental and physical well being

  • You will be able to get more done throughout the day

  • It is easier to avoid the morning rush

  • You will have more time to do things you love (exercise, yoga, meditation)

  • You will have enough time for a healthy breakfast that sets you up for a productive day (instead of rushing through it and possibly skipping breakfast altogether)

  • You can spend some quality "me" time and introspection first thing in the morning


Now that you know the benefits of waking up early, it's time to start taking action. Start small by setting one alarm earlier each week and slowly build up until you're waking up at 6 AM every day. If you find yourself struggling with motivation or feeling unmotivated, try reading some of these tips on how to stay productive when working from home as they can help keep your focus on what matters most!