Being Driven By A Purpose Is Satisfying Experience

Many may sleepwalk. Many might sweet-talk. But those, who pursue a higher goal, have their own style. Once you experience the bittersweet realities of your adult life, a lot of the attractive concepts lose their appeal.

And that's what makes growing old worth it.

Wisdom. And detachment. These two are beautiful concepts. So, what are the advantages of understanding the futility of material objects?

Clarity About What You Don't Need

As you start recognising how your body is going to have Medical Issues soon enough, you stop wasting your time. Since you are growing old, you need to think about your Retirement. The popular idea is that our generation won't be able to retire.

If you've heard the concept of Ikigai, you have learnt that 'being active till your last breath' isn't that bad.

All of us have that one family member, who pretends to be busy with something even after her / his / their retirement. So, dying at work is a form of honour in eyes of some people.

Here's the thing though: being Busy and being Productive are two distinct ideas. And unless you identify your time-wasting habits and reduce (eliminate) them, you stay busy. As you grow older, you have a better chance of being productive.

Listening To Your Inner Calling

Once you stop the distractions from interfering your life, you get to think critically about yourself. No, you don't need to isolate yourself for many decades. But you would learn to appreciate your quiet 'me-time' as your hair start falling.

Thus, you stop fearing the solitude or craving for the third-party approval.

However, if you are single for too long, or if your family spends less time with you; you might feel loneliness. So, please note, that we are discussing a normal solitude in this post.

In such a solitude, you can rethink your why for living and waking up each day.

Acting Upon Your Real Ambitions

As you discover who you really wish to be, by practicing indifference to the third-party expectations, you can determine your goals. Remember, you Goals depict your Path towards your Future. And once you have a rough idea about how to start, you take up the action.

Living your life on your own terms is your Natural Right. Of course, nobody is suggesting that you'd renounce the World or pursue Samsara (Salvation / Moksha). We each have our Family Obligations and Responsibilities towards our community or region.

But you don't want to lose yourself in your daily routine.

After an age, you can make only one choice...

Harnessing Your Sense of Purpose

"I want to be a Taxi Driver," the child said. "I will own my own Rocket and Robot," said her friend. Then, they grew up. And became Engineers, Lawyers, Doctors and Politicians. As they became the busy adults, the stupid drawings on the last page of their notebooks... disappeared.

Creativity or a desire to start your own business—These humans spirits need the regular riyaaz or practice.

Lack of the periodic self-training can reduce your ability to spontaneously recombine Ideas. Yet, after an age, you realise how precious these human spirits are. When this happens, you can combine your understanding of what you don't need in life, with you truly aspire to achieve in your lifespan.

Thus, a sense of meaning is born. And by dedicating yourself to make this dream a reality, you can bring your strengths under a single umbrella. In literature and in pop culture, it's called the one and only:

Sense of Purpose.

Final Thoughts

Hair-loss and Brittle Bones are our future. These are realities for many people you know. Still, growing older and losing interest in the superficial joys, are not 100% bad or evil.

Ultimately, a human is seeking happiness. And personally, I believe it's related to Satisfaction (not Stagnation).

I hope you find what makes you a better human being. Not because you want to impress any third-party, but since you'd be happier by trying to impress your own creative spirit.

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About: AK blogs at SummaryMaster51v blogs (Light Edition, and Dark Edition). "Hi, I am a Blog Writer, who does freelance writing as well." Twitter: @akp51v |